Please support my walk across the USA

  • Brown or Purple Squatch and Map

    Brown or purple version of the squatch walking west across America in light colors. Comes in Standard or V-neck

  • Brown or Purple Standalone Squatch

    Brown or purple standalone squatch with US flag in light colors. Comes in standard or V-neck color.

  • Brown or Purple Squatch and Map

    Brown or Purple version of the squatch walking west across America. Front and back design. V-neck comes in black only. Standard collar in dark colors.

  • Hobo Kenny

    Hobo Kenny walking west across America. Unisex t-shirt in multiple light colors

  • Hobo Kenny with American Flag

    Hobo Kenny with American Flag walking west across America. Unisex t-shirt in multiple light colors

  • Transparent Hobo Kenny with American Flag

    Transparent Hobo Kenny with US flag walking west across America. Unisex t-shirt in multiple light colors

  • Hobo Kenny with US Flag V-neck

    Hobo Kenny with US Flag walking west across America. V-neck unisex t-shirt in black and white only